Najważniejsze aktulności
University Days for Sustainability Freiburg 2021 (June 07th – 19th 2021, online)
During the annual event series organised by Freiburg students We would like to invite You for an EPICUR workshop. The event has been organised since 2017 and is aimed at both students and the general public in Freiburg. A diverse program of workshops, lectures, panel discussions and artistic activities on the topic of sustainability awaits […]
Aktualności EPICUR | Epicur22.11.2021
Boost your university education with an international EPICUR course! Start organizing your mobility for the Fall/Winter semester 2021-2022
Boost your university education with an international EPICUR course! Start organizing your mobility for the Fall/Winter semester 2021-2022 From the third week of June 2021, a wide range of courses offered by all partner universities of the EPICUR Alliance will be open to all students. What kind of courses can you choose? EPICUR offers to you online […]
Aktualności EPICUR | Epicur22.11.2021
KIT runs: KIT students and employees are challenged to participate in the digital running challenge.
KIT runs: KIT students and employees are challenged to participate in the digital running challenge. In each category – BASIC, INTERMEDIATE and ADVANCED – respectively in the Individual Challenge and the Group Challenge, many attractive prizes will be raffled, including assorted sports packages (e.g. non-cash prizes or free sports offers) and non-cash prizes from the EPiCUR universities. Digital Running Challenge: KIT Run 2021
Aktualności EPICUR | Epicur22.11.2021
“Knowledge Transfer Upper Rhine”
Within the framework of the project “Knowledge Transfer Upper Rhine” (KTUR), the “KTUR Startup & Innovation Nights” will take place for the first time. On two consecutive evenings, universities, startups,companies and intermediaries of the Upper Rhineregion will have the opportunity to get to know eachother and to exchange experiences and ideas on how theinnovation network […]
Aktualności EPICUR | Epicur22.11.2021
Ankieta studentów
Drodzy studenci EPICUR, potrzebujemy Waszej pomocy! Konsorcjum EPICUR dąży do tego, aby nauka języków europejskich była ekscytująca zarówno dla Was, jak i dla przyszłych studentów EPICUR. Dlatego właśnie potrzebujemy Waszego wsparcia! Jak to zrobić? Wypełniając poniższą ankietę. Dlaczego? Celem tej ankiety jest analiza motywacji studentów do nauki (nowego) języka europejskiego oraz zrozumienie sposobu postrzegania przez nich nauki języków obcych. Zebrane […]
Aktualności EPICUR | Epicur22.11.2021
Konferencja: Uniwersytety Europejskie – polskie doświadczenia i perspektywy 18.12.2020
Program konferencji
Aktualności EPICUR | Epicur22.11.2021
The Liberal Arts & Sciences Newsletter
The first issue of Poznan Liberal Arts & Sciences Newsletter (in English and Polish).
Aktualności EPICUR | Epicur22.11.2021
Series on European university alliances has started as part of the DAAD podcast „campus Europa”:
Every two weeks, the host speaks with an EUN representative about how the European university alliances work and what their priorities and goals are. A total of 14 episodes are planned, so that each network will be the focus of an episode. The guest of the first episode is Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans-Jochen Schiewer, until recently […]
Aktualności EPICUR | Epicur22.11.2021
Międzynarodowe Dni Tolerancji 16-20.11.2020
The Faculty of English at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, cordially invites everyone to participate in our seminar series entitled “Language of Empowerment” as part of the “International Week for Equality and Tolerance” between the 16th and 20th November 2020.Through this event, inaugurated on the International Day for Tolerance, we aim to raise awareness of the […]
Aktualności EPICUR | Epicur22.11.2021