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Data publikacji w serwisie: 22 listopada 2021 r.

Międzynarodowe Dni Tolerancji 16-20.11.2020

The Faculty of English at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, cordially invites everyone to participate in our seminar series entitled “Language of Empowerment” as part of the “International Week for Equality and Tolerance” between the 16th and 20th November 2020.Through this event, inaugurated on the International Day for Tolerance, we aim to raise awareness of the dangers of discrimination and contribute to the global debate on values such as tolerance and equality, in accordance with the UNESCO proclamation that:“Tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world’s cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human. It is fostered by knowledge, openness, communication, and freedom of thought, conscience and belief. Tolerance is harmony in difference. It is not only a moral duty, it is also a political and legal requirement. Tolerance, the virtue that makes peace possible, contributes to the replacement of the culture of war by a culture of peace.” (UNESCO’s 1995 Declaration of Principles on Tolerance).
The “Language of Empowerment” at the Faculty of English AMU will feature six 45-minute lectures delivered in English (Monday-Thursday) and Polish (Friday). All lectures will be streamed live via Facebook: www.facebook.com/wydzialanglistykiuam

Detailed description of seminars “Language of Empowerment” (16-20 Nov 2020)
