Data publikacji w serwisie: 28 czerwca 2023 r.
Call for Applications – Freiburg Rising Stars Academy
Dear Friends and Partners of the University of Freiburg,
The Freiburg Rising Stars Academy has proven to be a successful gateway for the next generation of excellent scientists to the research community of Freiburg and beyond. Connecting highly qualified international early career researchers to Freiburg scientists will create and enhance international cooperation for years to come.
We would like to draw your attention to the Freiburg Rising Stars Academy at the University of Freiburg, a program directed at international early career researchers looking for the next step in their careers.
This year, the Academy partners with new research institutions from a variety of fields, offering 2 different tracks to PhD Candidates, PostDocs and young talents at a similar career stage. Track 1 allows prospective rising stars to apply directly with one of our 18 Host-PIs hailing from one of these institutions:
· Centre for Biological Signalling Studies (BIOSS)
· Cluster of Excellence: CIBSS – Centre for Integrative Biological Signalling Studies
· Cluster of Excellence: livMatS – Living, Adaptive and Enerrgy-autonomous Materials Systems
· BrainLinks-BrainTools / Intelligent Machine-Brain Interfacing Technology (IMBIT)
· Freiburg Institute for Basic Income Studies (FRIBIS)
· Future Forest
· LZN / Sustainability Center Freiburg
· Institute for Experimental Cardiovascular Medicine
Track 2 invites open thematic applications to one of our three host-institutions: livMatS, IMBIT and FRIBIS, allowing prospective rising stars to be matched with any of the researchers working with our host institutions.
What does the Freiburg Rising Stars Academy offer?
Once accepted to the Academy, Rising Stars will work jointly on research projects, gain access to top-level research infrastructure, develop new ideas, get to know team members, and gain international experience.
All Rising Stars will be invited to Freiburg from March 11 to March 15, 2024 for a scientific conference and to spend time in our state-of-the-art research infrastructures. During the conference, Rising Stars and their teams can compete for participation in the Rising Stars in Residence Programme an extended research stay of up to 3 months with a mobility grant of up to 5.000€.
For details and information on how to apply, interested Early Career Researchers should visit or contact us with questions at: The application is open until July 8, 2023!
We invite you to follow us:
Twitter: @RisingStars_UFR