Data publikacji w serwisie: 22 listopada 2021 r.
Epicur Research project
The EPICUR Research project line, which was launched at the beginning of 2021, is funded in the framework of the EU programme line Horizon 2020 „Science with and for Society“ [SwafS] and aims to develop a common research agenda for the eight EPICUR partner universities to improve and strengthen the interaction between science and society. EPICUR Research promotes Early Career Researchers in particular, driven by the vision of conducting research based on societal challenges. Inter-and transdisciplinary approaches and long-term cooperation on the three main topics of Sustainability Research, Mobility, Migration & Identiy and the Transformation of the Public Health System (Public Health in Transition) is helping to establish an EPICommunity.
The EPICUR team is pleased to be able to organise three EPICamps this year in the context of EPICUR Research; the first of them “Mobility, Migration, Multilingualism: Shaping European Identities and Languages Past and Present” organised by Freiburg/Poznán/Strasbourg will take place on October 15/16, 2021. EPICamps are virtual, interactive events aimed at Early Career Researchers from the EPICUR alliance in order to create a space for exchange, collaboration and academic matchmaking between scholars from different disciplines and research areas. Researchers from all – especially early – career stages, from all disciplines and from all partner institutions can participate.
Potential participants of the EPICamps should have a general interest in conducting interdisciplinary research and/or working in a transdisciplinary manner with non-university partners. You should have a proven interest in the topic of the EPICamps you wish to attend. However, no previous experience in the field and/or inter-and transdisciplinary work is required.
Based on the format of the barcamp/unconference, the program of each EPICamp will look different and open up opportunities to present and discuss research and projects in mini-thesis presentations, poster sessions, panel or group discussions, etc., but also space for ad-hoc meetings, one-on-one video chats, academic speed dating sessions and methodological exchange. Please check out our first Call for Participation [insert link] and follow us on twitter for regular updates on upcoming EPICamps regarding European Culture, Sustainability and more.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Want to find out more? Check our Cfp!